Quantum Thread Theory
by James Cranwell

Everything in the Universe is made from one type of thread.
All workings of the Universe are result from said thread.

The particle itself would be just the grey threads (or strings) in the picture (no color and a lot thinner of course).
It would fit perfectly inside of a dodecahedron.
Actual thread (or string) length is about one Ångström and it is fine enough where 10 threads (20 radii) could curl-up into the size of a neutron.

Where is the Proton?

"The research shows that the extra proton is associated with a specific pair of atoms on the two tethered molecules, participating in partial chemical bonds to both. "In biological systems, any time you have molecules with a nitrogen or oxygen, and add in an extra proton, the proton forms a bond with one of the extra electron pairs that are available," according Johnson. 'It crashes the party and changes the character of the molecule.'" -- Yale University

Tethered by a proton? How could that happen? A mainstream proton is just a non-existent point.
The only way a proton could tether something is if it is made from threads. And they do NOT know it but that is exactly what a proton is.

Basic Matter

Basic fundamental universal substance is shape-shifter.
Everything is made from quantum threads.
The basic quantum thread is approximately one Ångström.
10 threads can join at their centers and form a 20 radii thread unit group (automatically forming dodecahedral axis shape).

If the threads are completely balled up they are neutrinos.
If completely balled except having 1 or 2 tethers - they are a neutron or proton.
When they are shaped like a disc they are an electron.
When they are shaped like a 3-D asterisk they are the fabric of space.
That is why "stuff" can decay into other stuff - everything is made from same stuff

Free proton: ~~~~~~ (that's one free thread, 18 balled, one free thread)
Free neutron: ●~~~ (19 balled, and one free thread)
Free neutrino:       (all 20 balled-up)
Free electron: ~~~~~~ (one free thread, 18 free threads in a disc shape, one free thread)

When one proton thread: ~~~~~~
and the neutron thread: ●~~~
ball up (knot) together: ~~~ that is the strong force.
Add an electron to that package: ≈≈≈~~~ and you also get the EM force (package aka deuterium)

neutron / knot / proton / twist / electron / thread


The "knot" is just threads (like everything else) and it is balled-up between the neutron and the proton so you cannot see it. A balled-up knot is much stronger than a twist.

All forces have the same mechanism - threads - but they work by totally different means.

Hydrogen with one proton and one electron: ~~~≈≈≈~~~

Positive Charge

Two hydrogen atoms can plug their electrons into the vacant corners of an oxygen cubic atom. That creates an H2O water molecule and leaves the hydrogen protons dangling on the outside of the thread mesh-type cage.

That is why they claim the hydrogen atoms are positively charged. The hydrogen electrons gets fixed into the octet cube and leave the protons on the outside. That is also how it can tether to other atoms / molecules.
Notice in the picture: they show the protruding hydrogen as positively charged? The exterior dangling protons are the reason...


teth·er (tĕth′ər) n.
c. A rope, chain, cable, or other line for restraining or securing an object: a blimp attached to the ground by tethers.

Electron Hole

An electron "hole" is a real thing (check picture).
But the mainstream electron is a random probability density cloud. That means the "hole" must also be moving - that model does NOT work.
If you have a mainstream atom with 42 electrons and one leaves: there is no trace it was ever there.
The truth is: the electron "hole" is a real thing.
Positive "charge" is 18 threads (from other electrons) looking to grab something...

The neon atom is a sealed-off electron octet cube.
A fluorine atom is missing one electron - that creates an actual hole.
An oxygen atom would have two holes ready for hydrogen atom electrons to plug-in.
The hydrogen protons are left dangling on the outside of the molecule - that creates the "positive" charge.


This is one water H2O molecule with protruding - dangling - positive protons that are part of the hydrogen atom.
The grey corners are electrons tethered to the nucleus by the red threads.
The red threads on the inside of the cube are actually 2 threads twisted together. One coming from the proton. Another coming from the electron.

The octet cube is the oxygen.
The black corners and blue protons are the hydrogen atoms.
Notice the hydrogen atoms are NOT connected to the nucleus of the oxygen so the cube is NOT symmetric and the shape gets distorted. The bonding angle would NOT be the regulatory cubic (tetrahedral) angle of exactly 109.4712º
The bond angle between the hydrogen atoms in H2O is: 104.45º

Grotthuss Mechanism

This is two water H2O molecules sharing one of their protons as a tether.
The red threads on the outside of cubes are single threads and can be thought of as tethers available to be tethered.
The single red thread attaches to a grey corner. The grey corners are actually 18 threads - three groups of six threads form one corner of a cube. The red thread continues on into the nucleus. It is twisted with a nucleus thread. So all inner thread connecting protons and electrons are double threads twisted together.

NOTE: The connection distance between water molecules must be even longer (like shown in picture below) because: two hydrogen atoms with their proton thread tethers facing each other - and the electrons ready to be plugged in to the oxygen atoms - would look like this...

~~~≈≈≈~~~   ~~~≈≈≈~~~

If they twist joined (hydrogen bonded): you would get this....


           Electron: ~~~~~~
             Proton: ~~~~~~
      Single thread: ~~~
Double thread twist: ≈≈≈

Above picture:
Oxygen Protons: ~~~~~~
Oxygen Electrons: grey corners
Hydrogen Protons: ~~~~~~
Hydrogen Electrons: black corners

The Shape of Water

Notice how the hydrogen proton to oxygen electron tether (below) is the same as the hydrogen proton tether that is connected to its own electron?
It doesn't have to "tunnel" - it is already there and easy to swap atoms.
It's easy for a free proton to tether connect to an oxygen electron tether and become an hydrogen atom.
That would give the water three hydrogen atoms and it's called hydronium.

Note: This is NOT an impossible idea like quarks shooting gluons at other quarks - this can really happen.

There would also be dangling tethers inside the oxygen atom.
Because the hydrogen tethers that are plugged into the oxygen cube do not have a proton tether to connect to.

~~~≈≈≈~~~   [oxygen cube]   ~~~≈≈≈~~~

They are the single thread tethers shown above (they are attached to the hydrogen electrons).
They become danglers inside the oxygen atom cube when the hydrogen electrons plug-in to the oxygen cube.

       ~~~≈≈≈[~~~     ~~~]≈≈≈~~~

For reference: oxygen electrons are plugged into the oxygen cube and also attached to the nucleus (there are six oxygen electrons in the oxygen cube).
It would look like this...

     ~~~≈≈≈[~~~    ~~~]≈≈≈~~~

Complete oxygen package (not shown):
There are two electrons attached to each other in the inner "shell."
There are six electrons forming the octet cube.
And there are two holes.


So, Yes, protons can move around and now you know how it is happening.
Here is a regular thread tension formula...
Tension = velocity squared x mass / Length.
If we plug c in and rearrange we get the one-inch formula... TL = mc^2


[3] Quantum Thread Theory & Why the Speed of Light is "C"
  Authors: Seamus McCelt
  Category: Quantum Gravity and String Theory

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The thread unit group (TUG) would be just the grey threads in picture (no color and a lot thinner of course).
The TUG is source of gravity (and everything else).
It would fit perfectly inside of a dodecahedron.
Actual thread length is about one Ångström and it is fine enough where 10 threads (20 radii) could curl-up into the size of a neutron.

quantum thread theory spiral arm and galactic bar formation mechanisms electrons are fixed position gravitational constant The Shape of Water emergence quantum boom theory thunderbolt & lightning orbital intersection theory cosmic thread dipole repeller einstein did not say that einsteins light clock gravitons & spacetime get ruled out gravity killed the dinosaurs index instantaneous freeze everything can be correct with math quantum thread math Rainbows separate light and dark NO EXPANSION - NO DARK ENERGY - NO SINGULARITIES the ghost in the machine big burst gravitation without mass - the curve ball the one inch equation time You are 3-D but really 1-D but really 3-D black holes mighty jets

The McCelt Tartan